The Lord’s Supper “Some people will get offended and say, ‘Why are you Christians always talking about the blood of Jesus?’ Because, if there is no...
Blind See “The key to understanding all the Bible is to realize all the Bible points to Jesus. The Old Testament says, ‘Someone is...
Walking Toward the Cross “Your destination will determine your life direction. Jesus was a man on a mission. He was a person with a purpose. Are you? Let me ask...
OMG “A.W. Tozer said, ‘What you think about God is the most important thing about you.’ Because the problem with most of us is...
In Charge “… desperation has a way of opening us up to God that we would not otherwise have taken time to consider. Desperation has a way of...
Walking on the Sabbath “We live in a culture where no one wants any boundaries. I want my freedom to do whatever I want. Well, could you imagine playing a...
The Promise of Peace “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be...
Mindset “Without the Holy Spirit, all you have is your strength and your power, and that lasts about as long as your will power can take you. And...
Comfort for Troubled Hearts “Most of the time, all we see and all we think about is right now. But think about it: Is what’s bothering you right now, even going to...