FEAR “To live by faith isn’t the absence of fear. Faith is trusting God in the face of our fears… We are so gripped by fear that we forget...
Second Chances “He has redeemed my soul from going down into the pit, and my life shall look upon the light. ‘Behold, God does all these things,...
An Invitation to Worship “What are you seeking after? What is your heart devoted to? If it is only you and your plans for your life, you’re going to have a...
Nativity Joseph “What is God asking you to do or believe that seems impossible? You see, God does speak to us. It may not be with an angel, but God...
Leaving But Not Alone “Jesus knew that he could only be at one place at one time. But the Holy Spirit can be with all of us, everywhere we go. And the same...
Weighted Vest “Jesus is in such agony that He almost dies before the cross. He is that weighed down and burdened that He is at death’s door…This is...
Jesus is Worthy of Worship “When you are completely surrendered to Jesus, you are not looking for the approval of others, but you do want the approval and...
Two Storms “And sometimes when Jesus doesn’t come to rescue us, we think, ‘Well, I guess God doesn’t care or love me.’ But look...
Getting Stuck in a Storm “Following Jesus is not always easy. Following Jesus takes courage. Following Jesus might lead you right into a storm…. But He will...