December Missions Spotlight
Courtney Trew

Daren and Shawna serve with the IMB in Sub-Saharan Africa as Affinity Leaders and Prayer Advocates.

Click here to learn more about how you can pray for the people of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Caleb and Eva serve as Field Directors in Italy with Global Year – gap year program designed to advance the gospel and make disciples that make disciples.

They disciple students as they learn the language, serve in the local church, and help impact the community through various ministry projects.

To learn more about Global Year and how you can partner with Caleb and Eva click here!


Stephen and Meaghan serve in Southeast Asia and help train national workers to take the gospel of Jesus to the eastern islands of their country.


Mike and Carole serve in Southeast Asia as global strategists developing new missions resources, coaching missionary teams, and exploring new avenues to share the gospel.


Gus Jr., Barbie, and their girls recently helped plant Reality Church in Miami, FL. They are passionate about pursuing God’s vision for the church – a place where we can learn to pursue God passionately, build authentic community, and live on mission. To learn more about Reality Church and how you can be involved click here!


Christmas is not celebrated everywhere.

There are many places around the world where it is dangerous and illegal to worship Jesus. In these places, believers are not allowed to celebrate Christmas.


PRAY – Spend time praying for Christians all across the world that are unable to celebrate Christmas, and for our world partners as they continue to share the gospel of Jesus around the world. 


ENCOURAGE – Write an encouraging card to our World Partners. Drop it by the church office or mail it to:

 – Engage with family and friends about the different regions of the world, the unique ways Christmas is celebrated, and the work our world partners are doing. Use the Family Table Talk topics on the back of each week’s prayer card!

GIVE – Giving is an act of worship. If you’d like to give towards missions, click below.


Click on the resources below for more practical ways you and your family can live on mission right where you are! New resources will be added each week!